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Showing posts with the label snack ideas

Healthy (and Organic) Snack Ideas For Kids

It is tough to find good snacks for kids in this day and age of highly processed, fast foods. Here are some healthy ideas for snacks...all organic of course. These ideas are great for adults too!  Need a little extra boost at the office between meetings and meals?  Here are a few solutions. Apple Slices and Peanut Butter  (try adding a bit of organic maple syrup to the peanut butter and microwaving for an extra special treat) Fruit Slices and Soy Cream Cheese  (a tub of vegan soy cream cheese (at room temperature) with 1/4 cup undiluted apple juice or orange juice concentrate and a dash of cinnamon. Stir vigorously until smooth. Serve with apple and pear slices, strawberries, and banana chunks for dipping. Whole Wheat Zucchini Muffins Tortilla Chips sprinkled with Cheese  (or cheese alternative) Fruit Skewers  (simply cut any fresh fruit in season into bite-sized chunks and alternate on wooden or bamboo skewers with grapes) Dried fruits  (such as organic raisins, dates, apr