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Showing posts with the label potatoes

Salmon Cakes Recipe

After another long day, I found myself hungry and staring at the shelves in the refrigerator.  I looked down and saw a piece of salmon just sitting there, but what to do with it?  I wanted something simple and quick.   Salmon Chipotle Cakes were my first thought, but we had no corn OR chipotle, so that ruled out that!  I wasn't about to make a trip to the store.  The problem with Salmon cakes or "burgers" are they often the are dry due to over cooking etc.  You have to add moisture.  Here's how I did it.  The prep took about 5 minutes and cooking time will depend on your penchant for doneness.  I did mine "cooked through", but just. The cooking time was about 8  minutes, just the right amount of time for the potatoes to cook. Serves 4 1 pound 450g skinless salmon fillet, cut into chunks 4 baby bella or button mushrooms, cut in quarters 2 shallots or 1 small onion, diced 1 green onion/scallion, chopped Small handful of chopped parsley

Paris Mash (potato purée) Recipe

Paris Mash is a recipe created by Joel Rubuchón.  Originally it is said the ratio was 1:1, Now it is standard to do a 2:1 potato to butter ratio.  Robuchon potatoes are cooked in lightly salted water with skins on and then drained. the potatoes are then peeled and passed through a food mill .. dried out over a low flame and then emulsified with butter and cream. And, then to achieve that velvety texture, the potatoes are passed several times through a fine drum sieve. Serves 4-6 450g “boiling”potatoes (red potatoes, yukon gold, fingerling) 250g unsaltedbutter 1 1/2 cups/200ml cream 1/2 teaspoon/2ml sea salt 1/2 teaspoon/2ml white pepper Place potatoes in a pot large enough to cover the potatoes by 1 inch/2.5 cm with water. Generously salt water. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce medium low to a simmer potatoes for 25-30 minutes or potatoes are easily pierced with a sharp knife. Once cooked drain potatoes and let cool for a few minutes. While potatoes are cooling add cre