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Showing posts with the label what I learned in the kitchen

Everything I Need To Know I Learned In The Kitchen

You all know that expression (originally a book): "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten." Indulge me as I tweak that to apply to the kitchen. Well, maybe I didn't learn  everything  essential there — but the room known lovingly as the heart of the home surely is a powerhouse of lessons, if you open your mind to them. Following are an even 10. Patience.  I'm a pretty patient person by nature — at least when it comes to tasks, if not so much to people behaving like idiots...or sluggish traffic lights. But in the kitchen, so many things simply cannot be rushed. Yeast dough rising, for example. Or that all-important melding of flavors in soups and stews. That's why so many people shy away from the place — I have no time! they whine. But this is a big mistake. The busier you are, the more critical it is to find ways to slow down. Cooking will do that for you. Precision.  When you're baking, it really does matter if you drop one teas